One of the Seven Wonders of the World, the Colossus was a giant 31-metres-tall, bronze statue created by the sculptor Chares of Lindos in 280 BC. It was documented as once standing at the entrance of the harbour. Around 226-4 BC it was destroyed by an earthquake and never replaced. No trace of the statue remains today.Diagoras of Rhodes
An ancient boxer from Ialyssos who lived in the 5th century BC, celebrated for his several victories in the Olympic, Isthmian and Nemean games. Rhodes International Airport is named after the athlete.Tipsy ...Rhodes
Rhodes was one of the most important wine-production and trade areas in the ancient world. With a short visit to the Cair, the oldest winery of the island (operating since 1928), you discover a range of excellent locally produced wines and most of all the famous Greek natural sparkling wine!Sweet Rhodes
‘Melekouni’ is the name of the traditional sweet of family joy in Rhodes. Home made only, with sesame seeds, almonds and thyme honey, this local delicacy accompanies wedding celebrations and christening parties. So, if you are in the list of guests... do not miss the chance to taste it!